Including all features, bugs and fixes released up until 3.2025.1.1
This section contains a table that lists the features that were included in our releases. This article will be update with each release.
Release Version | ID | Title |
- | 2861 | Remove user from authorization pool |
3.2025.1.1 | 2910 | Enable row version change tracking on tables which enables export to Synapse |
3.2024.9.3 | 2684 | Control name on HcmWorker and HcmWorkerV2 extension can cause name conflict |
3.2024.9.2 | 2512 | Update data entity PylWFWorkerSetupEntity with new functionalities |
3.2024.9.2 | 2513 | Update data entity PylWFParametersEntity with new functionalities |
3.2024.9.2 | 1361 | Side-by-side view of the attachment and the invoice details |
3.2024.9.2 | 2174 | Create new data entities for the authorization pool and levels |
3.2024.9.2 | 2253 | 9A Invoice Processing: Adjust vendor account in invoice register - purchase order validation error |
3.2024.9.2 | 2430 | Adjustment on automated comments |
3.2024.9.2 | 2533 | New Re-check invoice status function |
3.2024.9.2 | 2540 | Activate 9A License report functionality |
3.2024.9.2 | 2565 | Approved purchase order invoices - posting process must reference the new VarianceApproved, Balanced and Matched fields when posting |
3.2024.9.2 | 2592 | Report license variable and pipeline update |
3.2024.9.2 | 2597 | Report license variable and pipeline update |
3.2024.9.2 | 2600 | Purchase order invoice PDF active on Original Documents form |
3.2024.8.7 | 1091 | Issues header only invoices with PO |
3.2024.8.1 | 2633 | Creation of erroneous invoices on ‘Purchase order invoices to be posted’ form with corrupt data |
3.2024.7.2 | 1089 | 9A Invoice Processing: Facturen goedkeuren over meerdere bedrijven |
3.2024.7.1 | 2400 | Rename labels still referencing the old name ‘AX’ |
3.2024.6.1 | 2202 | Button to open Matching Details from All Invoices and related screens |
3.2024.6.1 | 2241 | Update script to make Invoice visible for mobile app |
3.2024.6.1 | 2381 | Improvement on delegation of workflow Items |
3.2024.6.1 | 2382 | License report for Purchase Invoice Workflow |
3.2024.6.1 | 2397 | Purchase invoice workflow descriptor update for version 40 |
3.2024.5.3 | 2340 | New way of Translation of Tax group and tax code from readsoft |
3.2024.5.1 | 2270 | 9A Invoice Processing: Error when applying saved views to the Invoices to be approved by me form |
3.2024.5.1 | 2168 | Rounding difference on invoice line matching is preventing posting of invoice |
3.2024.5.1 | 2251 | 9A Invoice Processing: External item number for invoice account and order account |
3.2024.4.3 | 2304 | Adding additional Info for approval app |
3.2024.4.2 | 2269 | 3.2024.4.2 |
3.2024.11.2 | 2719 | Extra validation on mandatory posting proposal lines when approving an invoice |
3.2024.11.2 | 2825 | Purchase Invoice Workflow workspace tile refresh frequency |
3.2024.11.2 | 2830 | Add additional index on PylWFVendInvoices table to improve performance |
3.2024.11.2 | 2831 | Disable the ‘Purchase Order Invoice’ button on the ‘All Invoices’ screen for invoices with lines and a 3-way matching status other than ‘Invoice Created’ |
3.2024.11.2 | 2661 | Fallback is not being replaced with the owner of the financial dimension |
3.2024.11.2 | 2514 | Create a new data entity for Resource types (PylWFVendInvoiceResourceType) |
3.2024.11.2 | 2326 | Issue in Invoice register when a negative amount is on the invoice with a different VAT percentage |
3.2024.11.2 | 2327 | Pasting lines from Excel or Notepad to the Posting proposal lines is not possible |
3.2024.11.2 | 2401 | Validating an invoice will overwrite the Item number based on the External item number |
3.2024.11.2 | 2608 | PO Invoices with lines are validated when there is no external order number |
3.2024.11.2 | 2549 | Implement Batch Retry Framework in Workflow classes | | 2198 | 9A Invoice processing Approval based on new approval level setup which uses not only worker but also financial dimension owner and project owner (RAID 1542) | | 2180 | 9A Invoice processing Approval based on new approval level setup - purchase order functionality | | 2197 | 9A Invoice processing app, new endpoint with contents of the pdf file instead of the public url | | 1363 | Automatic addition of transport costs on invoice | | 1356 | Add note field on Purchase order invoices status | | 2196 | Supplier and SupplierBanks xml files should also be available in CSV file format | | 833 | Integrate Raptor as Document storage | | 824 | Spaces in description | | 841 | Validation on posting proposal | | 842 | Delete RunnableClass1 | | 843 | 9altitudes module rebranding | | 845 | Terms of payment on Prepayment functionality | | 850 | Additional extension points for Klant | | 854 | Inkoopfactuur workflow - kostenplaats- en projectverantwoordelijke | | 863 | Line matching on product variant | | 864 | Financial dimensions on posting proposal | | 865 | Validation dimensions and total amount on posting proposal | | 866 | Show invoice on ledger transaction | | 1092 | Adding main account and Dimensions based on Pool when import tot proposal |
0.2022.0.0 | 1094 | Show invoice in Vendor invoice approval journal > Amounts not updated |
0.2022.0.0 | 1095 | 9A Invoice Processing: Invoice lines laten zoeken op Product receipt number |
0.2022.0.0 | 1096 | Opmerkingen zichtbaar in goedkeuringsjournaal |
0.2022.0.0 | 1098 | zoeken op externe item nummers |
0.2022.0.0 | 1100 | velden blijven leeg bij ‘show invoice’ |
0.2022.0.0 | 1101 | After release v posting invoice with related purchase order does not work correctly. The invoice is not posted and the status of the invoice is set back to Registered and the workflow is reenabled. |
0.2022.0.0 | 1104 | After selecting the number of invoices to import, the system gives an error: ‘An unexpected client error has occurred’ |
0.2022.0.0 | 1105 | Issue with exchange rates and tolerance in 3-way matching |
0.2022.0.0 | 1111 | veld ‘created by’ blijft leeg bij handmatig vullen factuur registratie journaal |
0.2022.0.0 | 1088 | Improve extendibility for Duynie |
0.2022.0.0 | 1124 | Due date of the imported invoice in the registration journal is incorrect |
0.2022.0.0 | 881 | PDF and invoice file names are being truncated incorrectly |
0.2022.0.0 | 882 | Workflow status on delegation/reassignment |
0.2022.0.0 | 888 | Validation invoice lines, find purchase order also based on packing slip item number |
0.2022.0.0 | 889 | Show invoice on vendor payment journal |
0.2022.0.0 | 891 | Automatic authorization reassignment |
0.2022.0.0 | 892 | Received document date & Date of VAT register on pending invoice (PLN) |
0.2022.0.0 | 896 | Purchase invoice workflow best practice improvements |
0.2022.0.0 | 897 | Purchase invoice workflow improvements |
0.2022.0.0 | 908 | Cancelled invoices in approval journal |
0.2022.0.0 | 910 | Validation invoice lines, find purchase order also based on packing slip item number |
0.2022.0.0 | 916 | 9A Invoice processing When posting purchase order after it being rejected and then delegated to an approval pool, updates the status of the tasks of the old pool |
0.2022.0.0 | 917 | Readsoft interface PLN |
0.2022.0.0 | 918 | Prepayment purchase order |
0.2022.0.0 | 919 | Rejected/delegated purchase order invoice |
0.2022.0.0 | 1069 | Extend Open D365 functionality with SalesQuotationTable |
0.2022.0.0 | 1061 | Factuur met invoice line cancelen |
0.2022.0.0 | 1062 | Facturen met één regel voor een order met meerdere regels |
0.2022.0.0 | 1072 | Addidtional hooks added for developers to customize import and export Purchase invoice workflow files |
0.2022.0.0 | 1073 | Inzage alle stappen workflow proces goedkeuring inkoopfacturen |
0.2022.0.0 | 1076 | Link to invoice missing in ‘Invoices to be approved by me (Intercompany)’ |
0.2022.0.0 | 1077 | Add company name to screen ‘Invoices to be approved by me (Intercompany)’ |
0.2022.0.0 | 1086 | PylWFVendInvoice DocuViewer permissions |
0.2022.0.0 | 1052 | PylWFVendInvoice PDF voorbeeld |
0.2021.0.0 | 1037 | Compiling results in BP warnings about deprecated features, remove these warnings |
0.2021.0.0 | 1038 | Change lookup for product receipt |
0.2021.0.0 | 1039 | Vendor invoice account |
0.2021.0.0 | 999 | Validate item on purchase order |
0.2021.0.0 | 1006 | Pool not being filled with approval pool from ReadSoft |
0.2021.0.0 | 1008 | Automatically fill in product receipt |
0.2021.0.0 | 954 | Readsoft: Online per buyer/company send vendors and bank details |
0.2021.0.0 | 956 | Item not found on packing slip with two or more purchase orders |
0.2021.0.0 | 958 | Invoices assigned to me (Intercompany) (Klant 2638) |
0.2021.0.0 | 959 | Navigate through invoices (Previous/Next) (Klant 2638) |
0.2021.0.0 | 965 | Approve vendor transactions > Status = Invoice posted |
0.2021.0.0 | 971 | SourceAccountingEvent not updated |
0.2021.0.0 | 973 | Automatically update posting date Invoice lines |
0.2021.0.0 | 974 | Validation of invoice based on Invoice account improvements |
0.2021.0.0 | 983 | Create documentation and settings for security roles |
0.2021.0.0 | 984 | Validate sales tax amount(s) |
0.2020.0.0 | 1002 | Retrieve files for IO via Azure Blob |
0.2020.0.0 | 1059 | Incorrect purchase order on validation with duplicate product receipt numbers |
0.2020.0.0 | 1066 | Multiple purchase orders with the same product receipt number |
Bugs & Fixes¶
This section contains a table that lists the bugs and fixes that were included in our releases. This article will be updated with each release.
Release Version | ID | Title |
2677 | Error ledger accrual on porting proposal | |
2823 | Cannot edit a record in Purchase order - update (PurchParmUpdate). The record has never been selected. | |
3.2024.9.5 | 2710 | Approving an invoice with accrual - Ledger accrual record already exists |
3.2024.9.2 | 2667 | Performance issue on manually created pending invoice |
3.2024.9.2 | 2532 | Purchase Invoice Workflow - Can’t delete Approval pool level record , when Workflow task(s) related to the Approval pool level record are no longer active |
3.2024.7.1 | 1116 | The purchase order is not filled on the lines in the Invoice register when the line is a 3-way matching invoice. |
3.2024.7.1 | 2380 | Pending invoice created for remaining quantities |
3.2024.7.1 | 2328 | Cancelled invoices get the incorrect 3-way matching status after the invoice is cancelled |
3.2024.5.1 | 2309 | Use fixed exchange rate when a pending invoice is created from 3 way line matching |
3.2024.4.3 | 2259 | Validation of PO line invoice generates error when related Pool is set to automatic approval |
3.2024.4.2 | 2246 | 3.2024.4.2 |
3.2024.12.1 | 2901 | Update VendAccount on PylWFVendInvoicesLines table with the VendAccount on the header |
3.2024.11.2 | 2662 | Level numbers are mixed up after creating a posting proposal line |
3.2024.11.2 | 2511 | Saved user query values when opening Create purchase order invoices function from different places in the system | | 2181 | Split posting proposal on CostCenter and Projects failed in case project has a costcenter, Approvers added to proposal line and new Workflow tasks factbox | | 1360 | Vendor Bank Payment Advice report fails with a vague error | | 1362 | Posting invoice register fails without error messages when field 9A DM document type is populated and copying the document fails | | 825 | Run time error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object - Workspace Vendor invoice processing | | 839 | Delegation with feedback in combination with ‘Group authorisation’ does not work correctly | | 844 | Vendor bank account approval conflict | | 852 | Approval journal has extra line | | 853 | Approval does not work because the invoice has a main account line without main account | | 867 | Files in resources are not deleted once posted in the journal when doing this in batch (manual posting does work correctly) | | 868 | Workflow status of posted rejected invoices | | 877 | Multi select cross company approval does not update status on all invoices |
0.2022.0.0 | 1097 | When field 3way Matching status is added as column status is manual editable |
0.2022.0.0 | 1102 | Invoices do not disappear when you delete an entire vendor invoice registration journal |
0.2022.0.0 | 1109 | Facturenregister, zonder BTW boeking geeft error Btw groep en Btw groep artikel is vereist. (Blycolin België) |
0.2022.0.0 | 1110 | U32 Field label in vendor invoice register journal not OK |
0.2022.0.0 | 1113 | Match status on Invoice Lines does not work correctly when price tolerance is enabled |
0.2022.0.0 | 1114 | Posting proposal is not saved |
0.2022.0.0 | 1115 | Posting error when using a default account from the approval pool |
0.2022.0.0 | 1117 | The function Purchase Order in the Approval Journal does not automatically filter the purchase orders based on the purchase order numbers when the invoice is a 3-way matching invoice with lines |
0.2022.0.0 | 1118 | Show invoice does not show the related purchase orders when the invoice is a 3-way matching invoice with lines |
0.2022.0.0 | 1119 | Validate when importing invoices with lines (3-way matching) that the vendor and currency are the same as on the purchase order |
0.2022.0.0 | 1120 | Create invoices buttons on Invoice lines form should only take PylWFVendInvoice records in to account which are related to a posted invoice register |
0.2022.0.0 | 1129 | InkoopfactuurWF - Do not lookup default accounts of vendor in posting proposal and Add extra line in Approval journal to posting proposal |
0.2022.0.0 | 1132 | Boekingsvoorstel - Bij activum neemt dimensies niet mee naar het goedkeuringsjournaal |
0.2022.0.0 | 1133 | Show Invoice doesn’t show document on Payment Journal |
0.2022.0.0 | 887 | Invoices are not included in the daily e-mail when tasks are reassigned automatically (Blycolin) |
0.2022.0.0 | 890 | Multiple PO numbers from XML to Invoice register cutting off the second PO number half way |
0.2022.0.0 | 895 | Status of posted invoices with PO |
0.2022.0.0 | 909 | Conflicting parameters with autopost after approval |
0.2022.0.0 | 911 | Bij delegeren van factuur in een autorisatiegroep wordt de status van de overige leden niet bijwerkt naar gedelegeerd Simac 509 |
0.2022.0.0 | 924 | Adjust Workspace to new Workspace layout |
0.2022.0.0 | 925 | Invoices to be approved by me tile on workspace not always updating correctly |
0.2022.0.0 | 1063 | Post Invoice via Open Invoice |
0.2022.0.0 | 1075 | Charges not listed on Invoice in 9A Invoice Processing |
0.2022.0.0 | 1078 | 3waymatch status is set to validated for header only invoices |
0.2022.0.0 | 1080 | PurchId in PYLWFVendInvoices not sychronized with PurchIdRange in InvoiceRegister |
0.2022.0.0 | 1081 | No approval tasks are created when the purchIdRange in the invoice register has a value |
0.2022.0.0 | 990 | Unable to post invoice registers in Denmark |
0.2022.0.0 | 1034 | References missing on Pylades Open D365 Model on version 1.0.20 |
0.2022.0.0 | 1035 | References missing on Pylades Interface Foundation Model on version 1.0.20 |
0.2021.0.0 | 1036 | Post and transfer register journal fails if approval pool is not set correctly |
0.2021.0.0 | 993 | Adding delivery Note to import through ReadSoft Online API |
0.2021.0.0 | 1004 | does not recognize correct company |
0.2021.0.0 | 1005 | VAT code by Online not imported |
0.2021.0.0 | 1007 | Error on export Bankaccount to Readsoft online |
0.2021.0.0 | 1009 | Due date from vendor invoice is not used on vendor invoice register |
0.2021.0.0 | 955 | ReadSoft: Search order authorization pool |
0.2021.0.0 | 969 | Online version - Import from Readsoft to F&O does not fill the Description in the register with the value in the Description field - Expense invoice |
0.2021.0.0 | 970 | When you reject an invoice the proposal line is empty and you are note able to create a new line (or adjust a line) |
0.2021.0.0 | 975 | Auto approval pool does not get posted automatically |
0.2021.0.0 | 976 | Fixed asset activation |
0.2021.0.0 | 988 | Invoice workflow DFO v10.0.18 (10.0.793.16) |
0.2020.0.0 | 1048 | Importing files of 0 bytes |
0.2020.0.0 | 1053 | Facturen worden niet goed behandeld in het approval journal |
0.2020.0.0 | 1057 | Optimize performance on multiple purchase invoice workflow screens |
0.2020.0.0 | 1087 | Vend invoice exchange rate is not updated |
0.2020.0.0 | 1068 | Open D365 functionality - rename label and AppId is case sensitive |
0.2020.0.0 | 1070 | Afwijkend BTW bedrag inkoopfactuurregister importeren |
0.2020.0.0 | 1071 | Form Posting proposal - add some fields and excluded records with status invoice posted |
0.2019.0.0 | 1134 | Item sales tax group wordt niet gevuld |
Detailed Notes¶
This section contains the workitems mentioned in the above sections, with additional details and applicable notes
- Title: Side-by-side view of the attachment and the invoice details|
- Release: 3.2024.9.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes The form definition which serves as the basis for the All invoices, Invoices to be approved by me, etc. forms has bee redesigned to allow a side-by-side view of the attachment and the invoice details. If an invoice has an attachment to display, the invoice will be displayed on the right as can be seen in the image below. If the user wants, they can hide the attachment by clicking on the Hide attachment button under the Options group in the Button Bar at the top of the form.
- Title: Create new data entities for the authorization pool and levels|
- Release: 3.2024.9.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes Two new entities have been created to improve exporting and importing data from the approval pools and approval pool level tables.
Approval pools The new entity can be found by searching for the "Approval pools" entity when creating a new DMF project.
Approval pool levels The new entity can be found by searching for the "Approval pool levels" entity when creating a new DMF project.
Please note, when importing new approval pool levels that you specify a unique value in the column "PylWFAuthorizationPoolLevelsRecId". This value wont be used by the system for the creation of data but is necessary to assign a unique value to the record while importing the data. When updating data, this field should be filled with the RecId of the record in the database, as this is the unique index / identifier for a record.
Deprecations Note that the old entity "Approval pools V2" is an entity with the approval pools and approval pool level tables combined into one "composite" entity. This old entity offers less functionality than the two new entities and will be deprecated in a future release. Make sure you make plans to adjust any integrations or DMF projects to use the new entities.
- Title: Adjustment on automated comments|
- Release: 3.2024.9.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes Introduction
In Finance & Operations (F&O), the system automatically adds comments to approval tasks when certain processes occur. For example, when a posting proposal is changed, it can affect the approval tasks. If this happens, the system will add system-generated comments to the comments field when an approval task is cancelled and a new one is created. This reduces the usefulness of certain functionalities, such as the Comments icon on the approval journal, which notifies the user that there is at least one approval task with comments to read. Often, these comments are system-generated, not user-generated.
To address this issue, a new field called "User comment exists" has been added to the approval tasks. This field is populated when a user enters a comment while approving, rejecting, cancelling, or delegating an approval task. The new field is only visible when the new parameter (see Parameters section below) is enabled. If the user has the need to filter on this field, they are able to do this using the standard grid filtering capabilities on the form.
Note that the functionality described below can be enabled by setting the new "Show only user comments" checkbox to Yes in the Purchase Invoice Workflow Parameters form. If this field is set to No, the system will also consider approval tasks with system comments when displaying information.
Invoice approval journal
When the new parameter is enabled, the "Comments" field will display a checkbox only if at least one active workflow/approval task has comments and has been marked as having user comments. When the new parameter is disabled, the "Comments" field will display a checkbox if at least one active workflow/approval task has comments irrespective of it was marked as having user comments or not.
All invoices - Workflow taks fact box The fact box visible on the All Invoices and related forms will only show workflow/approval tasks with user comments when the new parameter is enabled. The fact box visible on the All Invoices and related forms will show all workflow/approval tasks with or without user comments when the new parameter is disabled.
Note Please note that any existing workflow/approval tasks will not be automatically updated to reflect past user comments. The new field will only be populated from the moment the new functionality is installed.
- Title: New Re-check invoice status function|
- Release: 3.2024.9.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes A new field "Re-check invoice status" field has been added to the Workflow/Worker setup.
When enabled for the user, the user is then allowed to use the new "Re-check invoice status" function which can be found on the All invoices form and all other related forms such as Invoices to be approved, etc.
The new Re-check invoice status is only visible when the function is enabled for the user on the Workflow/Worker setup. The new Re-check invoice status function is only enabled for an invoice when:- the ‘Skip workflow with match’ parameter on the Purchase invoice workflow parameters is enabled
- the the workflow status on the invoice is ‘Registered’ or ‘Created’
- the purchase order related to the invoice has been matched, is balanced and if there is a variance, the variance has been approved
- any approval tasks which has the status ‘To Approve’ will be set to ‘Cancelled‘ and the comments will be amended with the text ‘Retry validation succeeded, authorization task no longer needed’.
- any approval tasks which has the status ‘Waiting‘ will be set to ‘Not applicable‘ and the comments will be amended with the text ‘Retry validation succeeded, authorization task no longer needed’
- the invoice status will be set to ‘Approved’
- if the parameter ‘Post purchase order with match’ parameter on the Purchase invoice workflow parameters is enabled, the system will also post the purchase order invoice.
- if any step should fail during this process, the system will do a rollback of any changes to the approval tasks and invoice.
- Title: Activate 9A License report functionality|
- Release: 3.2024.9.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes 9altitudes is continually improving the way we bring
our ISV solutions to market, both directly and through partners. In line with
best practices in standard Microsoft solutions, we now collect telemetry data
on the actual usage of our solutions starting from this release. This usage
data is anonymized before leaving the customer’s environment and is sent to
9altitudes. The information is gathered once a week and shared with 9altitudes. Only this
anonymous data is leaving the customers environment and is used by 9altitudes
to validate alignment of the usage with the contractual agreement between the
customer and 9altitudes. If any excess usage is detected, the system will continue
to function properly, but 9altitudes may reach out to the customer to discuss
alignment with the contract.
- Title: 3.2024.4.2|
- Release: 3.2024.4.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes Released in version 3.2024.4.2.
- Title: 3.2024.4.2|
- Release: 3.2024.4.2
- Type: Bug
- Notes Released in version 3.2024.4.2.
- Title: Update VendAccount on PylWFVendInvoicesLines table with the VendAccount on the header|
- Release: 3.2024.12.1
- Type: Bug
- Notes In version 3.2024.9.2, a situation may arise where the vendor on imported invoice lines is incorrectly updated when modifying the vendor in the invoice register. This hotfix resolves the issue, ensuring that the correct vendor information is maintained on the invoice lines.
To address any discrepancies between the invoice header and invoice lines that may have occurred after installing version 3.2024.9.2, a script has been developed. This script can be run for each administration to correct the data. You can run the script through your browser by using the following URL: https://<environmentname>/?cmp=<company>&mi=SysClassRunner&cls=PylWFVendInvoicesLinesCopyVendAccountFromHeader. Be sure to replace <environmentname> and <company> with the appropriate environment and company you wish to update.
- Title: Extra validation on mandatory posting proposal lines when approving an invoice|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes When a user attempts to approve an invoice that is not associated with a purchase order, the system will first validate the posting proposal lines before proceeding with the approval process. There are three parameters available to enable or disable specific validations. These three parameters can be seen in the image below.
Posting proposal mandatory This new validation has been introduced in this release. When enabled, the system will verify that at least one posting proposal line exists and that every proposal line has a valid account specified.
Amount and account structure This parameter was previously known as “Validate Posting Proposal” and has been renamed in this release to enhance user understanding of its function. When enabled, this parameter checks that the total amount of the posting proposal matches the invoice value. Additionally, it validates the account structure entered on the proposal lines, ensuring that, for example, a main account is not paired with an invalid dimension.
Total amount promptThis parameter was previously labeled “Prompt User” and has been renamed in this release to enhance clarity regarding its function. When enabled, it allows users to proceed with the approval process even if the total amount of the posting proposal lines does not match the invoice value. If the validation fails, a popup will appear, notifying the user of the discrepancy and asking if they would like to continue. Please note that this prompt does not override the check on the account structure. If the account structure validation fails, the user will not be permitted to approve the invoice.
- Title: Purchase Invoice Workflow workspace tile refresh frequency|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes The frequency at which tiles are updated on a workspace can be specified under System administration > Setup > Data cache > Tile data cache configuration. As shown in the image below, the default update interval for all Purchase Invoice Workflow tiles was originally set to 5 seconds.
In this release, the frequency of tile updates in the underlying application has been changed to 600 seconds, which is the default for most tiles. Unfortunately, this change does not automatically update the setting in the Tile data cache configuration form, and it must be done manually where Purchase Invoice Workflow has already been installed.
The advantage of this change is improved performance of the Purchase Invoice Workflow workspace, as tiles are not constantly updated. However, the downside is that tiles are now refreshed every ten minutes. Users can manually update the tile value by clicking the info icon and selecting ‘Begin update now’.
- Title: Add additional index on PylWFVendInvoices table to improve performance|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes After analyzing metrics from a number of customers, we decided to add an additional index on the PylWFVendInvoices table. This should improve the performance on this table slightly.
- TechnicalNotes After analyzing metrics from a number of customers, we decided to add an additional index on the PylWFVendInvoices table. This should improve the performance on this table slightly.
- Title: Disable the ‘Purchase Order Invoice’ button on the ‘All Invoices’ screen for invoices with lines and a 3-way matching status other than ‘Invoice Created’|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes The ‘Purchase Order Invoice’ button on the All Invoices and other related forms should only be enabled when an invoice with lines has the status ‘Invoice Created’. For invoices without lines, no changes have been made. The ‘Matching Details’ button should follow the same enabling/disabling rules as the ‘Purchase Order Invoice’ button.
In the example below, you can see that the buttons are enabled when the invoice has the status ‘Validated’. This release addresses this issue and will no longer enable these buttons in the scenario described above.
- Title: Fallback is not being replaced with the owner of the financial dimension|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes A specific setup results in the fallback approver not being replaced with the owner of the financial dimension when the financial dimension is eventually specified in the posting proposal. Instead, a new approval task is created for the owner of the financial dimension. This release addresses the problem, ensuring that the fallback approver is correctly replaced with the owner of the financial dimension instead of creating a new approval task.
The scenario outlined below illustrates how the issue was reproduced. Note that the vendor in this case does not have a default account specified.
Registering an invoice for 50000 euros will notify that a fallback approver has been assigned to the approval task.
The approval tasks were correctly created with the fallback approver at level 2. However, after a posting proposal line is created with a winning location owned by Riccardo Fiaschi, the following occurs: both the fallback approver and the owner of the winning location are assigned workflow tasks at level 2. This is incorrect; the fallback approver should have been replaced with the owner of the winning location.
- Title: Level numbers are mixed up after creating a posting proposal line|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: Bug
- Notes When the approval pool level is marked as skip approval task when no approver is found, the level numbers are mixed up after creating a posting proposal line. This has been addressed in this release ensuring that the levels are no longer mixed up.
The scenario outlined below illustrates how the issue was reproduced. Note that the vendor in this case does not have a default account specified.
After I register an invoice for 1.000.000 euros:
The creation of the approval task for the winning location’s owner was skipped because the task was set to be skipped if a winning location was not found based on the available information when posting the journal. As can be seen, the levels on the approval tasks have been neatly numbered in ascending order.
After adding a posting proposal line with a winning location and an owner, we see that the approval task for the winning location’s financial dimension has been correctly added at level 2, as defined in the approval pool. However, the approval tasks for Robbert Plette (level 3) and Joost Veldman (level 4) are incorrectly numbered. They should be reset to the levels defined in the approval pool.2514¶
- Title: Create a new data entity for Resource types (PylWFVendInvoiceResourceType)|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes A new data entity has been created for exporting and importing data into the Resource types table.
- TechnicalNotes A new data entity has been created for exporting and importing data into the Resource types table.
- Title: Issue in Invoice register when a negative amount is on the invoice with a different VAT percentage|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes An issue occurs when importing a credit invoice and the tax amount is split. The tax amount correctly appears in the credit column, but it incorrectly has a minus sign in front of it. This release addresses this problem and ensures that the value is no longer negative.
An example of this issue is shown below:2327¶
- Title: Pasting lines from Excel or Notepad to the Posting proposal lines is not possible|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes Microsoft introduced functionality that allows copying and pasting data from Excel, Notepad, or other sources directly into a grid some time ago. While this functionality works on most grids, it did not work correctly on the posting proposal grid in the All Invoices form. This release addresses this issue, ensuring that pasting data now works similarly to how it functions in other journals.
Additionally, it is now possible to create a posting proposal line by pressing the arrow down key on your keyboard instead of having to press the New button.
- Title: Validating an invoice will overwrite the Item number based on the External item number|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes When validating an invoice with invoice lines, the system will attempt to convert any external item numbers to internal item numbers available in the system. This functionality works well; however, if the user manually specifies the item number, the invoice validation would overwrite the user’s entered value. In cases where an internal item number is not found based on the external item number, the user’s manually entered item number would be overwritten with a blank value.
This release addresses this issue and will only set the internal item number if the field is empty.
- Title: Saved user query values when opening Create purchase order invoices function from different places in the system|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: Bug
- Notes If the function Create purchase order invoices is run from the 9A Purchase invoice workflow menu and the user happens to change the filter of the query by adding another range like the invoice number, the system will automatically remember this and the next time the user starts the same function, the system will load the users last values that they used and add the range they made previously on the invoice number to the query. This is great functionality, but the problem is that this function can also be used from the Purchase order invoices to be created form. The system will then load the last values of the user (i.e. the invoice number range), and also automatically add the range for the Record-Id to ensure that only the invoice the user has selected in the screen will be processed. In this case the extra range the user previously added is unnecessary and causes the system to process 0 records because the combination of invoice number and record-ID most likely does not exist.
The solution that was chosen to solve this problem is to ensure that the user’s last values are not loaded when the Create purchase order invoices function is run from the menu or from the form. The system will default back to the system defined query. The user can, if necessary, select their previous query by clicking on the Filter button and choosing the Previously used query in the selection box.
The same solution of clearing ranges has been applied to the Post purchase order invoices function which can be found in the menu under 9A Purchase invoice workflow > Periodic tasks > Invoice processing and from the Purchase order invoices to be posted which can be found under 9A Purchase invoice workflow > Purchase order invoices.
- Title: PO Invoices with lines are validated when there is no external order number|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes Invoices with one or more lines lacking a purchase order or external purchase order are incorrectly marked as validated when running the validation function. This release corrects this behavior, ensuring that an invoice is only marked as validated if a purchase order is correctly specified or found based on the external purchase order. If both fields are empty, the system will fail validation and display the message “Purchase order not found.”
The validation text has also been adjusted to separate multiple failure messages on a line with a semicolon. Additionally, the warning for items not found based on the external item ID has been modified from “Item not found” to “Item not found based on external Item ID,” providing more clarity.
An example of the new warnings can be seen in the image below:2549¶
- Title: Implement Batch Retry Framework in Workflow classes|
- Release: 3.2024.11.2
- Type: User Story
- Notes All classes capable of running in batch mode should implement the Batch Retry framework introduced by Microsoft. This framework includes functionality to retry a process if a transient SQL error occurs. With this release, several Purchase Invoice Workflow classes have been modified to incorporate the framework. Under normal circumstances, users should not notice any changes in functionality.
- TechnicalNotes All classes capable of running in batch mode should implement the Batch Retry framework introduced by Microsoft. This framework includes functionality to retry a process if a transient SQL error occurs. With this release, several Purchase Invoice Workflow classes have been modified to incorporate the framework. Under normal circumstances, users should not notice any changes in functionality.